In the scientific world, the emphasis on user-centricity often gets overlooked, despite its fundamental role in driving innovative progress. Recognizing this need, I was asked to instill a deeper understanding of user centricity among scientists and engineers in a technology think tank.

My approach was unconventional yet effective: a three-month-long User Experience (UX) competition that encouraged participants to share and analyze their encounters with both exceptional and dreadful user experiences. This initiative aimed to shift their perspectives towards embracing user-centered design principles in their innovations.

Unveiling the Competition

The competition revolved around soliciting stories from the participants, focusing on both good and bad user experiences they personally encountered. This method allowed the scientists and engineers to introspect and articulate the significance of user-centric thinking in their professional endeavors. The three-month duration provided ample time for participants to actively engage with the concept, fostering a deep understanding of its implications.

Categorizing User Experiences

To streamline the evaluation process, I categorized the submissions into four distinct sections: Interruption, Compliance, Novelty, and Emotion. Each category served as a lens through which the participants could dissect their experiences, enabling a more nuanced analysis of the impact of user-centric design. The categorization process not only facilitated assessment but also encouraged participants to consider multiple facets of user interactions.

Acknowledging Exceptional Entries

In addition to recognizing the top three entries, I introduced various badges to honor exceptional submissions that stood out in unique ways. These badges celebrated innovation, empathy, creativity, and problem-solving. By acknowledging diverse elements, the competition aimed to emphasize the multifaceted nature of user-centric design, encouraging participants to explore beyond conventional norms.

Sustaining Momentum and Encouraging Engagement

To sustain enthusiasm and engagement, monthly winners were announced, maintaining the participants’ motivation throughout the duration of the competition. Recognizing their efforts with small but meaningful prizes, such as games and nerdy toys, created a tangible incentive, fostering a continuous drive to participate and excel.

Conclusion – Cultivating a User-Centric Mindset

The conclusion of the competition culminated in not just a single winner but an entire cohort equipped with a newfound appreciation for user-centric design. Through this innovative approach, scientists and engineers were not only exposed to the principles of user-centricity but were also actively engaged in applying these principles to their professional pursuits. The competition became a transformative journey, catalyzing a paradigm shift towards fostering more empathetic and user-focused innovations in their work.

The 3-month UX competition succeeded in not only educating but inspiring a group of scientists and engineers to embrace a more user-centered approach in their endeavors, paving the way for more empathetic and impactful innovations in the future.


The beautiful graphics were created by the very talented Victor Gountaras whom I had the privilege of mentoring through his master’s thesis.